native plants & A HEALTHY enviroment
Native restoration is a key component to invasive species management! Native plants are essential to a healthy ecosystem, and play many important roles. Each summer, L2L CISMA works to plant native wildflower plugs, shrubs, trees, and seed mixes across the Central UP, especially in areas where we have treated invasive species. Planting native species after treatment gives the area a chance to re-establish before invasive species can push their way in again!
Some places where we've done restoration activities include:
Peninsula Point Monarch Openings (Stonington Peninsula, Delta Co.)
The Iron Ore Heritage Trail (Marquette Co.)
The Chocolay Bayou Nature Preserve (U.P. Land Conservancy, Marquette Co.)
Chatham Community Gardens (Chatham, MI, Alger Co.)
Manistique Area Public Schools and Schoolcraft Conservation District (Manistique, MI, Schoolcraft Co.)
Peninsula Point Monarch Openings (Stonington Peninsula, Delta Co.)
The Iron Ore Heritage Trail (Marquette Co.)
The Chocolay Bayou Nature Preserve (U.P. Land Conservancy, Marquette Co.)
Chatham Community Gardens (Chatham, MI, Alger Co.)
Manistique Area Public Schools and Schoolcraft Conservation District (Manistique, MI, Schoolcraft Co.)
Want to use native plants in your yard? here's where to find them!
on the ground restoration!
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